• Zugriffe: 9320 Resultate_{Y}_{m}_{d}.xls Resultate Interraces (Farmtrial)
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SSDSID Hund Kategorie Nachname Vorname Nation Arbeitsprüfung Jahr Rang Gestartete_Teams Qualifiziete_Teams Qualipunkte AKZ_Note
10003 Neil von Wileroltigen 1 Hartmann Corinne Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 19 22 0 0 15
10003 Neil von Wileroltigen 1 Hartmann Corinne Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 999 24 0 0 0
10003 Neil von Wileroltigen 2 Hartmann Corinne Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 21 26 0 0 47.2
10003 Neil von Wileroltigen 2 Hartmann Corinne Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 999 25 0 0 0
10005 Ballyhackett Sam EM Helfer Melanie Switzerland Daeniken 24.09.2017 7 22 0 0 90
10005 Ballyhackett Sam EM Helfer Melanie Switzerland Oberdiessbach 18.03.2018 9 27 0 0 81
10005 Ballyhackett Sam EM Helfer Melanie Switzerland Niederbipp 14.10.2018 11 22 0 0 78.1
10005 Ballyhackett Sam EM Helfer Melanie Switzerland Daeniken 23.09.2018 8 21 0 0 73
10008 Eangraig des Plateaux du Haut Doubs EM Schmid Patrick Switzerland Niederbipp 23.10.2016 7 23 0 0 79
10008 Eangraig des Plateaux du Haut Doubs EM Schmid Patrick Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2017 17 26 0 0 72.7
10008 Eangraig des Plateaux du Haut Doubs EM Schmid Patrick Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 17 26 0 0 53.6
10008 Eangraig des Plateaux du Haut Doubs EM Schmid Patrick Switzerland Niederbipp 06.10.2019 12 14 0 0 51.8
10009 Kalani vom Preussischhof 1 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Aarau 24.09.2016 18 26 0 0 73
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 1 Matter Maya Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 2 8 0 0 76
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 1 Matter Maya Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 11 13 0 0 26
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Gretzenbach 26.09.2015 3 16 0 0 88
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Aarau 24.09.2016 5 26 0 0 85
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Niederbipp 13.10.2018 5 23 0 0 82.7
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 11.10.2014 7 18 0 0 74
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 8 26 0 0 71.8
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 4 22 0 0 68
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Bourg-st-Pierre 12.10.2014 9 16 0 0 66
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 16 24 0 0 56
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Niederbipp 24.10.2015 15 19 0 0 20.9
10019 Shawny v. Prentonlane 2 Matter Maya Switzerland Daeniken 23.09.2017 999 20 0 0 0
10025 Meg von Defuns (Nell) 3 Gazzarin Brigitte Switzerland Aarau 24.09.2016 12 26 0 0 80
10038 Rhona o'Draperstown 3 Beutler Anita Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 17 24 0 0 54
10040 Laigin Lass 1 Beutler Anita Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 5 8 0 0 66
10040 Laigin Lass 2 Beutler Anita Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 999 24 0 0 0
10043 Ian von Enggetschwill 1 Cornut Patrick Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 5 18 0 0 75
10043 Ian von Enggetschwill 1 Cornut Patrick Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 27.10.2013 5 10 0 0 68.1
10048 Eiri Greme Gremmy 3 Selm Sibylle Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2016 3 22 0 0 84
10048 Eiri Greme Gremmy 3 Selm Sibylle Switzerland Niederbipp 21.10.2017 12 27 0 0 70
10051 Ben v. Defuns EM Elser Arnold Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 1 13 0 0 96
10051 Ben v. Defuns EM Elser Arnold Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 10 24 0 0 69
10051 Ben v. Defuns EM Elser Arnold Switzerland Oberdiessbach 17.03.2018 24 27 0 0 60
10051 Ben v. Defuns EM Elser Arnold Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 14.10.2012 12 17 0 0 57
10056 Asti vom Samest EM Passeraub Erich Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 08.10.2016 4 16 0 0 66.3
10058 Diam de La Grande Tremaillere 1 Ducrey Barbara Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 18 22 0 0 43.6
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 6 24 0 0 78
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 6 23 0 0 73.6
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Niederbipp 21.10.2017 13 27 0 0 70
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Niederbipp 24.10.2015 3 19 0 0 69
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Niederbipp 23.10.2016 14 23 0 0 69
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2016 9 22 0 0 66
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 12 25 0 0 63.6
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 8 13 0 0 54
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 20 26 0 0 51.8
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 15 22 0 0 45
10065 Nash 2 Hostettler Fritz Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 999 16 0 0 0
10068 Prune of Lybiansand 2 Sigrist Jean-Claude Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 15 26 0 0 60
10073 Lady Dee Merry 2 Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 14.10.2012 1 17 0 0 90
10073 Lady Dee Merry 2 Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 27.10.2013 2 10 0 0 79
10073 Lady Dee Merry 2 Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 6 9 0 0 70
10073 Lady Dee Merry 2 Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 8 18 0 0 69
10073 Lady Dee Merry 2 Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 10 22 0 0 67.2
10073 Lady Dee Merry 2 Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 6 22 0 0 63
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 1 23 0 0 95.4
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Aarau 25.09.2016 1 22 0 0 92
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Niederbipp 23.10.2016 2 23 0 0 92
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Gretzenbach 27.09.2015 3 14 0 0 89
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg-st-Pierre 12.10.2014 1 16 0 0 88
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 11.10.2014 5 18 0 0 81
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 09.10.2016 6 15 0 0 69
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 13 26 0 0 63.6
10073 Lady Dee Merry EM Moulin Pierrette Switzerland Niederbipp 21.10.2017 18 27 0 0 51.8
10074 Goa 1 Metz Christian Switzerland Gretzenbach 26.09.2015 2 16 0 0 89
10074 Goa 1 Metz Christian Switzerland Niederbipp 24.10.2015 7 19 0 0 59
10074 Goa 1 Metz Christian Switzerland Gretzenbach 27.09.2015 999 14 0 0 0
10074 Goa 1 Metz Christian Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 999 23 0 0 0
10077 June of Silly Season 2 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Daeniken 23.09.2017 12 20 0 0 80
10077 June of Silly Season 3 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Daeniken 28.09.2019 3 20 0 0 88
10077 June of Silly Season 3 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Oberdiessbach 17.03.2018 1 27 0 0 87
10077 June of Silly Season 3 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Niederbipp 13.10.2018 10 23 0 0 78.1
10077 June of Silly Season 3 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Oberdiessbach 18.03.2018 17 27 0 0 72
10077 June of Silly Season 3 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Niederbipp 14.10.2018 16 22 0 0 71.8
10077 June of Silly Season 3 Gartmann-Tschuor Karin Switzerland Daeniken 29.09.2019 18 23 0 0 67
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 4 22 0 0 76.3
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 4 8 0 0 71
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 14.10.2012 8 17 0 0 69
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Bourg-st-Pierre 12.10.2014 10 16 0 0 65
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 11 18 0 0 63
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 11.10.2014 10 18 0 0 62
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 27.10.2013 9 10 0 0 51.8
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 14 22 0 0 50
10086 Eiri Greme Ciara 1 Degen Debora Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 999 24 0 0 0
10089 Nature mind Come bye Maid 1 Holzgang Simona Switzerland Gretzenbach 22.10.2022 4 22 0 0 78
10100 Alisha of Windangel [Joy] 1 Kuehni Alain Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 6 8 0 0 48
10104 Midnight Blue von Stauffen EM Meier Caroline Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 3 9 0 0 78
10106 Winky of Mullingar 2 Meier Patrick Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 18 26 0 0 52.7
10106 Winky of Mullingar 3 Meier Patrick Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 13 23 0 0 49
10106 Winky of Mullingar 3 Meier Patrick Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2016 13 22 0 0 40
10110 Enya of Bungee-Borders 2 Bitterli Katharina Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 2 13 0 0 83
10111 Cailin of Abrahamswaterground EM Bitterli Katharina Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 6 13 0 0 66
10117 Ryke von Enggetschwil 2 Scherrer Frauke Switzerland Gretzenbach 22.10.2022 17 22 0 0 54
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Niederbipp 23.10.2016 5 23 0 0 89
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2016 4 22 0 0 77
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 5 23 0 0 76.3
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 6 25 0 0 75.4
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Aarau 25.09.2016 14 22 0 0 67
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 7 13 0 0 66
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 19 26 0 0 52.7
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 17 22 0 0 41
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 999 24 0 0 0
10119 Eiri Greme Faye 2 Beyeler Michael Switzerland Niederbipp 24.10.2015 999 19 0 0 0
10126 Nalanie v.Shep Canyon 2 Briggen Ulrich Switzerland Aarau 25.09.2016 15 22 0 0 65
10127 Eiri Greme Mitch 2 Strahm Simon Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 10 16 0 0 68
10127 Eiri Greme Mitch 2 Strahm Simon Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 8 9 0 0 59
10128 Kane-Keele of Beechgrove 2 Ringler Sandra Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 999 16 0 0 0
10132 Rising Sun Nell 2 2 Wild Markus Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 14.10.2012 13 17 0 0 55
10132 Rising Sun Nell 2 2 Wild Markus Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 10 13 0 0 38
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 1 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 1 8 0 0 87
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 2 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 9 24 0 0 72
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 2 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 10 22 0 0 57
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 2 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 20 25 0 0 45.4
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 3 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Gretzenbach 26.09.2015 11 16 0 0 77
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 3 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Aarau 25.09.2016 8 22 0 0 76
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 3 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 8 23 0 0 70.9
10148 Ryss vom Daenischen Wohld 3 Hauser Christoph Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2016 11 22 0 0 62
10150 Ghost des Plateaux du Hauts Doubs EM von Niederhaeusern Ruedi Switzerland Daeniken 23.09.2018 11 21 0 0 69
10153 Enniscorty Chuck EM Lanker Urban Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 5 26 0 0 78.1
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Niederbipp 24.10.2015 1 19 0 0 94.5
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Aarau 25.09.2016 2 22 0 0 91
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Niederbipp 23.10.2016 3 23 0 0 91
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 1 16 0 0 90
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 1 9 0 0 90
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Aarau 24.09.2016 1 26 0 0 89
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 1 26 0 0 88.1
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2016 1 22 0 0 87
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Gretzenbach 26.09.2015 4 16 0 0 86
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 11.10.2014 1 18 0 0 85
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Bourg-st-Pierre 12.10.2014 2 16 0 0 85
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Gretzenbach 27.09.2015 6 14 0 0 85
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Daeniken 24.09.2017 13 22 0 0 84
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 09.10.2016 2 15 0 0 80.9
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 7 18 0 0 72
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 10 25 0 0 68.1
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 9 23 0 0 68.1
10157 Gem EM Roth Rudolf Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 08.10.2016 6 16 0 0 61.8
10158 Coon EM Roth Regula Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 7 24 0 0 78
10158 Coon EM Roth Regula Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 10 18 0 0 64
10159 Amy 3 Roth Regula Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 8 24 0 0 75
10159 Amy 3 Roth Regula Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 9 9 0 0 48
10159 Amy 3 Roth Regula Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 999 18 0 0 0
10160 Jejey EP Roth Regula Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 13 24 0 0 66
10161 Ballymore Biff 1 Gerber Martina Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 18 25 0 0 51.8
10162 Gelert Ban EM Gerber-Mattli Daniela Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 5 9 0 0 76
10162 Gelert Ban EM Gerber-Mattli Daniela Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 14 24 0 0 63
10162 Gelert Ban EM Gerber-Mattli Daniela Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 11 22 0 0 56
10168 Lad von Wileroltigen 3 Mosimann Monika Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 19 24 0 0 10
10170 Gentle Ted Courant du Sud EM Schwaller Franziska Switzerland Bourg-st-Pierre 12.10.2014 3 16 0 0 82
10170 Gentle Ted Courant du Sud EM Schwaller Franziska Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 8 16 0 0 76
10170 Gentle Ted Courant du Sud EM Schwaller Franziska Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 27.10.2013 3 10 0 0 74.5
10170 Gentle Ted Courant du Sud EM Schwaller Franziska Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 9 25 0 0 70.9
10170 Gentle Ted Courant du Sud EM Schwaller Franziska Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 24 26 0 0 44.5
10170 Gentle Ted Courant du Sud EM Schwaller Franziska Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 999 22 0 0 0
10180 Tweed von Prenton Lane 2 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Gretzenbach 26.09.2015 12 16 0 0 75
10180 Tweed von Prenton Lane 2 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Gretzenbach 27.09.2015 9 14 0 0 74
10180 Tweed von Prenton Lane 2 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Daeniken 22.09.2018 19 20 0 0 70
10180 Tweed von Prenton Lane 2 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Aarau 24.09.2016 19 26 0 0 66
10180 Tweed von Prenton Lane 2 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 11 23 0 0 60
10180 Tweed von Prenton Lane 2 Windisch Hanni Switzerland Niederbipp 23.10.2016 16 23 0 0 46
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tremaillere 2 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg St Pierre 13.10.2012 2 18 0 0 86
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr maill re 2 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 14.10.2012 2 17 0 0 86
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 2 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 2 22 0 0 82.7
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr maill re 2 Lattion Claude Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 5 16 0 0 82
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tremaillere 2 Lattion Claude Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 4 9 0 0 77
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr maill re 2 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 27.10.2013 4 10 0 0 74.5
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 08.10.2016 1 16 0 0 90
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Niederbipp 22.10.2017 8 26 0 0 83.6
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 11.10.2014 3 18 0 0 82
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Niederbipp 21.10.2017 7 27 0 0 80.9
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Gretzenbach 26.09.2015 10 16 0 0 80
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 3 25 0 0 79
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 6 26 0 0 73.6
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg-st-Pierre 12.10.2014 6 16 0 0 72
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 09.10.2016 4 15 0 0 70.9
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Niederbipp 24.10.2015 5 19 0 0 62.7
10181 Dusty de la Grande Tr 3 Lattion Claude Switzerland Niederbipp 25.10.2015 999 23 0 0 0
10182 Perfect Cody EM Zimmermann Marion Switzerland Gretzenbach 27.09.2015 7 14 0 0 83
10183 Llanfarian Lass EM Zimmermann Marion Switzerland Gretzenbach 27.09.2015 10 14 0 0 71
10193 Alf vom Samest 3 Koeppel Robert Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 5 22 0 0 74.5
10205 Lukela 1 Furrer Katharina Switzerland Aarau 24.09.2016 20 26 0 0 64
10205 Lukela 1 Furrer Katharina Switzerland Aarau 25.09.2016 20 22 0 0 49
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 4 13 0 0 76
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2013 11 24 0 0 69
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 11 25 0 0 67.2
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 13 22 0 0 61.8
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Bourg-st-pierre 11.10.2014 12 18 0 0 60
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2013 12 22 0 0 55
10206 zippup A'Zeny 2 Berthod Coraline Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 999 16 0 0 0
10219 Gaston Tarawoods 2 Meier Peter Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 4 16 0 0 83
10219 Gaston Tarawoods 2 Meier Peter Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 26.10.2013 7 22 0 0 70.9
10219 Gaston Tarawoods 2 Meier Peter Switzerland Bourg St-Pierre 27.10.2013 8 10 0 0 51.8
10219 Gaston Tarawoods 3 Meier Peter Switzerland Gossliwil 19.10.2014 14 25 0 0 60.9
10219 Gaston Tarawoods 3 Meier Peter Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 23 26 0 0 44.5
10222 Farrow v. Prenton Lane EM Stucki Heinz Switzerland Gossliwil 18.10.2014 10 26 0 0 67.2
10227 Moss v. Defuns EM Bloch Beat Switzerland Gossliwil 21.10.2012 13 13 0 0 18
10227 Moss v. Defuns EM Bloch Beat Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 999 16 0 0 0
10228 Nera 3 Bloch Beat Switzerland Gossliwil 20.10.2012 2 16 0 0 89